
Weight Loss

Losing weight and gaining again is a vicious cycle.

Many people struggle with being overweight and just don’t know how to overcome this challenge.

Like them, you’ve probably tried dieting. It may work for a while, but eventually you go back to the old habits and get all the weight back.

It’s difficult to fully love yourself when you don’t like what you see in the mirror.

We know how frustrating it can be to fail over and over.

No matter how difficult your situation may be, there is way to improve it. It has to do with changing your inner world.

Permanent weight loss starts on the inside.

People fail because they only work on the outside, by changing diet and exercising.

They try to do new things with the old mentality. It may work for a while, but it is doomed to not last if you do not address what’s inside.

People succeed when they change their thoughts and feelings around food. When you feel good about eating healthier, you are naturally more motivated to go in that direction.

It is also a change of lifestyle where your relationship to food and how you cope with the things of life change as well.

By addressing their internal structure regarding food and eating habits, they can reprogram their behavior and stop falling back into old patterns.

Get your best weight back and learn to stay that way.

With the help of hypnosis, people learn to reprogram the behaviors that cause seesawing between weight loss and weight gain.

They learn to become more detached from sugar and junk food, feeling less or no cravings at all.

They also find a new way to release guilt, embarrassment, stress, and connect with empowering feelings that inspire them to do the right thing.

A new vision is waiting.

Deep down you know what would be good for you. You just don’t know how to make it happen yet.

Imagine how much happier you will be when you make those changes and become the person you want to be, with the body you want to have.

Once you are on the other side, you can focus on what really matters to you.

You can enjoy being able to move around more easily with less struggle. You simply feel better, and that changes everything in your life.

When you look better and feel better, you can show up as a better version of yourself. You are more confident, more loving, and more engaged in life.

Put the weight behind you for good.

If you are ready to put that weight off for good and reprogram yourself for a healthy and happy life, reach out now to start your journey.

Ugo is a very effective hypnotist. I’ve seen results from working with him on exercising regularly, and I feel tremendously energized from our sessions. Meeting virtually has not been a barrier at all. I really appreciate Ugo’s positivity and generosity of spirit!

Colleen L.

I am a sugar addict and decided to stop eating sugar early in January 2018. I decided I would try out hypnosis to deal with the cravings. I found Ugo through an internet search and feel I was extremely lucky to find such a gifted practitioner. I signed up for his addiction program and feel like our work together has helped me with so much more than just overcoming my dependence on sugar. He has helped me to, reconnect with my mother after she and I had fight, be a peace with the loss of a dear pet, overcome irritability with my coworkers, and improve my sleep. But perhaps the most important, he has taught me how to put myself into a state of deep relaxation, where I can reconnect with my true self and make my own course corrections when life throws something at me that threatens to take me off track.

 Beth W.

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