

An old practice…

Hypnosis is a tool that has been used for over 200 years, but the use of altered states or trances to create positive changes has been around all over the planet for thousands of years.

To induce an altered state, people would use meditation, plants, music with drums or rattles, chanting, ceremonies, and other rituals to help people focus in a different way.

This shift in their attention would allow them to use their brain differently, connect to inner powers, and find new solutions to their problems. As a result, they would heal, change, and feel better.

An updated way to use altered states.

As we evolved, a new version of trancework emerged from doctors, psychotherapists, scientists and mind explorers.

We discovered that with the use of certain language patterns, as well as focusing your attention in a unique way, we were able to induce altered states, relax deeply, and embrace change more easily.

It seems that what we later called hypnosis, a deeper state about halfway between being awake and being asleep, allowed people to lower the resistance to change and reprogram their reactions and behaviors more easily.

In this state, the brain could follow new directions more easily. A great discovery!

Individual based hypnotherapy works best.

We also discovered that most everyone had the ability to be guided into hypnosis; but, like everything else, they possessed different skills and abilities.

Even though there are a lot of studies validating the efficiency of hypnotherapy, applying the same technique to everyone doesn’t guarantee the same results.

A skilled practitioner will adapt to the person and find what works best.

Many benefits…

Hypnotherapy, which is the use of the hypnotic state as a therapeutic tool, has helped many overcome difficult challenges. It helps you easily shift from being stuck.

It can help you sleep better, quit smoking, lose weight, change habits, boost self-confidence, reduce pain, overcome a fear or reduce anxiety, resolve past issues or traumas, improve a skill like in sports, or find more peace.

Basically, if it has to do with your mind or emotions, hypnosis can most likely help you.

It also is used for personal development, as a tool to go within and peel away layers of limitations that are often unconscious and influencing your life in many ways. Freeing yourself from self-sabotaging attitudes or limiting self-beliefs can sky rock your life to another level.

Consider this metaphor.

Imagine holding a bar of steel that you would like to turn into a sword. It is very difficult or impossible to change its shape in its current state. But if you heat it and melt it, hence changing its state, you can then reshape it into anything you want, like a sword.

Hypnosis helps you change your state, open up to more possibilities, and reshape yourself and your life for the better.

Ready to reshape your mind?

If there is something that you’d like to transform, schedule a free 30-minute call and begin moving forward.

Schedule a Complimentary 30-minute Consultation

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